Latest Orient Water Dispensers Price In Argentina For 2024

A water dispenser is a device that dispenses chilled and/or hot water. orient is a well-known brand of water dispensers in Argentina, known for their quality and durability. These dispensers are popular in households, offices and other commercial settings, providing a convenient way to access clean and safe drinking water.

orient offers a wide range of water dispensers for different needs and environments. Some popular models include:

1 - orient Bottom Loading Water Dispenser in Argentina: This model has a water storage tank located at the bottom of the unit, making it easy to change and refill the water. It also has a hot and cold water dispensing option and a child safety lock for hot water dispensing.

2 - orient Table Top Water Dispenser in Argentina: As the name suggests, this model is designed to be placed on a table or countertop. It has a compact design and can be easily placed in small spaces. It also has hot and cold water dispensing option.

3 - orient Direct Pipe Water Dispenser in Argentina: This model is designed to be directly connected to a water source, eliminating the need for a water storage tank. It dispenses hot and cold water and it is equipped with a hot water child safety lock

orient water dispensers can be purchased through authorized dealers and resellers in Argentina. Prices for orient water dispensers vary depending on the model and the features it comes with.

In conclusion, orient is a well-known and reputable brand of water dispensers in Argentina, known for their quality and durability. They offer a wide range of models to suit different needs and environments, and are a popular choice in households, offices and other commercial settings. When considering purchasing a orient water dispenser, it is important to consider the size and location of the unit, as well as your specific needs and budget.

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